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net-cage fish farms


A typical salmon farm of twelve 90 m circumference pens serviced by a feed barge. Applicants
are now seeking to install farms consisting of ten 120 m pens - capacity increase of 78% per pen.


What we see: the surface structures. To understand of the size of these 90 m pens, note the man dressed in
on the far side of the nearer pen walkway. The feed tubes bringing in a continuous supply of pellets
are attached to rotating pipes that emerge in the centre of each pen, scattering as they turn. The central turret-
like structure supports a top net that protects feed pellets and salmon from predators attacking from above.

What we don't see, apart from the surface structures. I'm not certain that the
number of fishes in this pen has not been ... what's the opposite of exaggerated?
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