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The Scottish Government and the Scottish Salmon Producers' Organisation have the joint ambition to double farmed salmon production by the year 2030. SST-T considers this to be a very bad idea.

Scotland Food & Drink has published a brochure proclaiming a vision for the future of aquaculture in Scotland, including salmon farming: Aquaculture Growth to 2030.

It is interesting to note who it was that devised this brochure, particularly with cross reference to The Soil Association's Aquaculture Standards Committee and the RSPCA's farmed salmon standards technical advisory groups (SEE). Here is the list, which includes a significant number of representatives from the salmon aquaculture industry, but none from environment protection agencies (except SEPA) or relevant NGOs.

[* = has interests in the salmon farming industry]

The Vision 2030 Working Group:
Dennis Overton, Aquascot (co-chair) *
Stewart Graham, Gael Force Group (co-chair) *
Alasdair Ferguson, Ferguson Transport & Shipping *
Anne MacColl, Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation *
Gilpin Bradley, Wester Ross Salmon *
Heather Jones, Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre *
James Withers, Scotland Food & Drink
Michael Tait, Shetland Mussels & Scottish Shellfish Marketing Group
Stuart Black, Highland Council

Support, contributions, submissions and presentations to the group:
Association of Scottish Shellfish Growers
Highlands and Islands Enterprise
Scotland Food & Drink
Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre *
Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation *
Alistair Barge – Otter Ferry
Andrew Sloan – Bank of Scotland
Andy Rosie – Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)
Charlotte Wright – Highlands and Islands Enterprise
David Moody – Highland Council
David Reid – Highlands and Islands Enterprise
Douglas Sinclair – Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)
Elaine Jamieson – Highlands and Islands Enterprise
Gerry McBride – Skills Development Scotland
Graham Young – Scotland Food & Drink
Ian Mitchelmore – Scottish Investment Bank
Jason Cleaversmith – Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre *
Jimmie Hepburn – Soil Association’s Aquaculture & Trade Standards Committee *
Mark Nash – Facilitator
Natalie Bell – Seafood Scotland
Phil Nickells – Macrae Seafoods *
Ronnie Soutar – Fish Veterinary Society
Rucha Mirashi – Intern Gael Force Group *
Steve Bracken – Marine Harvest *
Su Cox – Scottish Salmon Company *

Thanks also go to Rhiann Graham of Gael Force Group *, for organising and supporting the Working Group’s meetings and work throughout 2016 and to Sarah Burnett, for writing this Strategic Plan.

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