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How do you get your farmed salmon certified organic, with compassionate
husbandry assured? Simple: make sure the committees that set the standards
you must follow are dominated by representatives of the aquaculture industry.

Scan the lists below and conclude what you will.

Aquaculture Standards Committee (from internet 7/12/2017)
[* = has interests in the salmon farming industry]
Jimmie Hepburn (Chair), Aquavision *
Feyza Sanver, Scottish Salmon Company *
John Holmyard, Off-shore Shellfish Ltd.
Hugh Drever, AquaCanarias/Salmac * (+ Villa Seafood?)
Philip Gallimore, Skretting *    ►8:37
Mary Robb, United Fish Industries *
Nick Bradbury, BioMar *
Alex Macinnes, Aquascot * (+ Organic Sea Harvest?)
John Avizienius, RSPCA (*)
Craig Burton, Seafish Industry Authority
David Little, Institute of Aquaculture, Stirling University *
Toby Knowles, University of Bristol
Niall MacDonald, EWOS *
Nicki Holmyard, Off-shore Shellfish Ltd.
Michelle Johnson, Cooke Aquaculture *
Mark Walton, Voya
Annette Gibbons OBE, lay member

RSPCA farmed salmon standards technical advisory groups (from internet 7/12/2017)
[* = has interests in the salmon farming industry]
John Avizienius, RSPCA farmed salmon specialist/Soil Association Aquaculture Standards Committee (*)
Alasdair MacDonald, Scottish Salmon [Company] *
Andy Young, Cooke Aquaculture *
Chris Findlay, Fish Vet Group *
Dave Danson, Landcatch *
David Cockerill, Marine Harvest *
David Roadknight, Lochduart *
George Whyte, Kintail Hatchery *
Gilpin Bradley, Wester Ross Salmon *
Grant Cumming, Hjaltland Seafarms Ltd *
Hugh Murray (Migdale Smolt Ltd) *
Hugh Richards, Wester Ross Salmon *
Ian Armstrong, Partners in Welfare *
John Barrington, Scottish Sea Farms *
John Richmond, Marine Harvest Scotland *
Jon Walden, Hjaltland Seafarms Ltd *
Kim Thomas, Scottish Salmon [Company] *
Michelle Johnson, Cooke Aquaculture *
Nick Joy, Lochduart *
Paul Armstrong­ Wilson, Solway Transport *
Paul Irving, Meridian Salmon [= Cooke Aquaculture] *
Rob Murray, Howietoun
A technical/field operations representative of Freedom Food Ltd
A representative of RSPCA field staff (Farm Livestock Officers) who monitor Freedom Food scheme members

Facts & Figures: "Scottish farmed salmon tops the RSPCA Assured chart, with an impressive 70% of production participating in the stringent animal welfare scheme."

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