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9 October


  • Yesterday an addition appeared among the Eishort 2 documents, from the Lighthose Board. Although this is of limited interset to us, it does represent activity and we might expect other responses from statutory consultees to arrive, hopefully soon so that we can read them with plenty of time to digest what they say before writing our letters.
  • This morning I noticed (previously overlooked?) that among the Important Dates relating to Eishort 1 is '22 Aug 2014' against the label 'Expiry Date'. There are no other dates relating to consultations etc. Does this mean that Hjaltland have let their Eishort 1 application lapse? We'll see if we can find out, because if we can be certain that Eishort 1 is no longer in the pipeline, we can turn our attention fully to Eishort 2 (Tokavaig-Tarskavaig).
  • On Tuesday I had a half-hour interview with a West Highland Free Press journalist which should be in this week's paper. I hope I said all the right things and that the feature will reflect the important points and also what I meant. If you see anything about us in the Press & Journal, please could you let me know.




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