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As usual your comments can be submitted via the ONLINE FORM

... or as a letter sent by post to The Head of Planning and Building Standards, ePlanning Centre, The Highland Council, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness IV3 5NX

... or attached to an e-mail addressed to the case officer Colin Wishart at eplanning@highland.gov.uk.

Further information and advice for public comments is provided HERE, HERE and HERE.

DOCUMENTS All the documents referring to this application (except important delayed ones from, notably, SEPA and SNH) may be consulted HERE. See what Sleat Community Council has to say about the documents submitted by Hjaltland in support of this application HERE.

TWO LETTERS Please note that the Public Consultation on Eishort 1 will require a separate comment submission/letter (by 21 November). Repeating your comment on Eishort 2 or sending in one to cover both applications is unlikely to be accepted. Hopefully, we will have to go through this laborious double letter writing process - in response to what we never asked for in the first place - just this once. If we stick to the planning consultation rules we are more likely to get the result we want.

NEW DOCUMENTS that have recently arrived on the ePlanning website include a consultation response letter from the Hebridean Whale & Dolphin Trust with a strong request for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of marine mammals not yet carried out by Hjaltland. This echoes Roger Cottis's Tarskavaig presentation in which he showed clearly that Hjaltland's cursory conclusion that: "The site location was chosen so as not to be close to any known seal haul outs." is totally incorrect and, therefore, very misleading. The two Loch Eishort fish farm sites lie in the midst of haulouts of harbour and grey seals which on some eileans and skerries may, on occasion, number more than a hundred individuals. Roger's data came from  research by the Sea Mammal Research Unit, University of St Andrews.





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